Financial Messaging


Financial Messaging

Financial Messaging

Bottomline GTFrame® is a comprehensive transformation and business flows integration solution, delivering significant operational efficiencies. New financial message standards present significant opportunities to extend automation and straight through processing along the value chain, opening up new possibilities for stock exchange, bank‐to‐bank and corporate‐to‐bank communications. This objective is clouded however by uneven rates of adoption and the continuing co‐existence of a plethora of legacy, proprietary and national variant formats. The rapidly evolving message landscape places additional pressures on banks and non‐bank financial institutions as they focus upon continuing market volatility and tighter regulatory regimes.

Integrated Payment Messaging

clickMessenger Integrated Payment Messaging solutions for your daily operation RTGS Gen II Interface Using the power of GTFrame for comprehensive transformation and business flows integration solution and flexibility for handling SWIFT format messages from clickMessenger we built an RTGS Gen II Interface application